wedding style, the current joy of my life... follow along with me as i plan our aug 08 wedding

My 1st Wedding DIY Project

Feb 12, 2008

alrighty, so here we go...

i had a problem:  how to ask my 6 bridesmaids to stand by me on my wedding day? we all have busy schedules, live all over CA from fresno to los angeles to and orange county, and play lots of crazy games of phone tag.  plus, i didn't want to ask on the phone, that's just way too impersonal and not my style.  i was lucky enough to see one of my dear college friends, Jess, soon after the engagement, so i asked her while we were at dinner.  but what to do about the rest of my friends from high school? they all are in contact still and i wanted to ask them simultaneously, yet we didn't have any group events planned to do the asking.  one of those friends has referred to me as her "martha (stewart)" when it comes to creative and DIY projects, so i decided that's how i wanted to ask the other 5 girls.  

in true martha fashion i set out to create a puzzle to mail to the girls with one side being a picture of the fiance and i, the other side a personal note posing the question.  i could've made it simple by sticking the picture to the note, but i wanted it to look more 3-d.... hmmm... well, when i make shadow boxes i use foam board to make some elements POP , so that's exactly what i was going to, back both the picture and note on it, then create a pattern & cut it all out.

sounds simple right? it was one of those simpler said than done cases, so after prolonging the project ohhhh 2 months, i made it my goal one weekend to get them finished and mailed.

so here's what i did to make them, keep in mind i might do this a little differently 2nd go at it, but the girls loved it & a few of them said they were going to scrapbook it (i don't know how they will since it's double sided?)

take a look:
  • printed a 4x6 picture or my fiance and i (could use a pic of you and the attendant you're asking)
  • either type a note and cut to 4x6 or hand write, like i did, and crop to 4x6 ( i recommend using a large cutter, its more accurate than scissors)
  • with a sharp (brand new), i mean ABSOLUTELY NOT DULL exact-o knife (i learned this the hard way) cut out your 4x6 foam piece.
  • this is the time consuming part: i made a template for the puzzle pieces, traced the note out, then traced the picture & foam out all separately.  then i cut them all out individually.
  •  if you stick the pieces together then cut them, you risk ripping the picture or note the wrong way when cutting the puzzle pieces!
  • also try not to make more than 5 puzzle pieces, any more and you can't read the note or see the picture well.  also try not to make the puzzle lines cross major features of your faces (mainly stay away from eyes and mouth). in my example pic, this was my test run when i discovered all of these problems, oh course i didn't take any pics of the ones i sent the girls (except the Shayna note pic).
  • so, after all pieces are cut, stick them all together, i used Scotch quick dry adhesive, i think i picked it up at target.
  • if mailing them to your attendants, send in a bubble lined envelope to protect the foam from squishing.
  • then you are all set!