wedding style, the current joy of my life... follow along with me as i plan our aug 08 wedding

Bridesmaids Gift Ideas

Feb 20, 2008

like many of you engaged women out there, i've been throwing some ideas around in my noggin about what gifts to give my BMs as gifts, not only for their friendship, but also the many duties they helped with leading up to the wedding. i obviously wanna do a gift bag they can use long after the wedding day. but i would like to fill that bag with some useful goodies for that day, and for many days to follow!

**** BMs do not read any further, unless you wanna spoil the surprise****
DIY bridesmaid gift idea

the sandals- 
since our wedding will take place near the beach, i thought it would be nice to have a comfy, yet stylish pair of flip flops for the BMs to change into for the reception.   here's an example of what i plan on doing (note: i have experience be-dazzling cell phones, so make sure to test out before starting this DIY)!
what you need:
swarovski flatback crystal in size ss16 or ss20
pair of sandals - Old Navy $5 or 2 for $5 flip flops
crazy glue adhesive - i like future glue from any craft store

how to sandals: 
  • you will need to pick up the various sizes of sandals for your girls (find Havaians, Old Navy, Jcrew sandals)
  • purchase flat back Swarovski crystals (can find many selections on eBay, or a jewelry wholesaler)
  • crazy glue (do not use a glue gun, the glue is not strong enough to bond the rubber and crystal together)
  • depending on size of the thongs, you will need to line up crystals, typically in rows of 3, start working from toe area of the thong and work your way out ( <--|-->) back towards heal of sandal.
  • when applying glue, put it on the back of each crystal, then use tweezers to apply and position crystal on thong.

BMs totes: 

i found the following bags during my most recent adventure at Old Navy believe it or not for $7 buckos! great deal... they come in the following colors, get the while they last on clearance